23 jul 2022

Enabling Chromium to sync with Google Account - Stack Overflow

Enabling Chromium to sync with Google Account - Stack Overflow: Launching Chromium with flags setting a oauth2 ID and secret can re-enable the syncing of Chromium with a Google Account. The oauth2-client-id should be set to: 77185425430.apps.googleusercontent.com The corresponding oauth2-secret should be set to: OTJgUOQcT7lO7GsGZq2G4IlT E.g. on Arch Linux this can be done by creating the file ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf with the contents: --oauth2-client-id=77185425430.apps.googleusercontent.com --oauth2-client-secret=OTJgUOQcT7lO7GsGZq2G4IlT It should be noted that Google recommends against doing this. It is also not clear for how long this workaround will work.

17 jul 2022



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5 jul 2022

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